How Data Teams Can Kill Their Service Desk

Relationships between data teams and business teams don’t have to feel like the ninth circle of hell. From never-ending tickets and multiple methodologies living in systems like Slack and Jira to the ick you feel in the transactional relationships you’re forced to work within, the status quo of data teams acting as order-takers must stop today.


Where do we go from here?

What exactly will kill your service desk once and for all? Watch this free video to learn how a data concierge can start to create a shared consciousness around data and how data knowledge will empower individuals to execute independently.

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What you'll learn

How our mutual loathing of the data service desk came about, and where this is all heading…

  • How we got here: the cursed history of the ticket system
  • Why we’re arguing: whether data teams are service or product teams
  • What’s underneath: power dynamics and the great hope for self-serve
  • Who could do it: the implications for major players
  • Our big dream: why and how this fits together as a data concierge

Get the free e-book

Download this short ebook to get four tips that explore topics like cross-training teams, safe ways to expose lineage and quality to end users, documentation, and training that actually works.